So. I’m not going to lie.. I’m kinda of a slut. There. I said it. Most girls lie about how many men they’ve been with by subtracting 5, 10, 20… I’ve been a naughty lil girl with probably 5-10 teachers… and probably 5-10 dads… and probably 2-3 coaches… and 2-3 bosses. I like sex.
There’s no crime in that, is there? I’m a psych and criminal justice major who gets distracted easily by naughty things. When I meet a new Daddy or man, the first thing I wonder is what his fucked up fetish is. Does he want to spank me? Does he want me to spank him? Does he want it in his ass? Does he want me to walk all over him? Dress him in panties? Smother him with my cotton panty covered ass? So many things go through my head.
While I can be sweet, I’d much rather prefer being creative with our calls.. so if you have something you’re wanting to explore… or want to understand more… share it with me!

Call Me Now! 877-887-COED!